Building Relationships That Work
Conflict Resolution | Mediation | Advanced Communication | Leadership Development

What if it were easy to:

  • Communicate effectively when in conflict
  • Build understanding and rapport through differences
  • Create opportunities for collaboration
  • Unite diverse perspectives

Welcome to The Living Bridge Project

Where we normalize curiosity as a default response to disagreement

Where we believe that the best idea is not my idea OR your idea, but the one that we can co-create through shared understanding

Where we empower ourselves, and others, to reach across the ideological divides with courage and compassion, and a true desire to understand.

What I offer

Does coaching actually work?

I help leaders and change-makers

Who I help

Leaders and executives who wish to attract and retain top millennial & genZ talent; building a powerful and motivated team.

What I do

Work with leaders and their teams to resolve conflicts, to normalize effective and authentic communication, and to uncover the hidden gold mines and land mines of human potential 

What you get

Less headache, more clarity; less bushfires, more growth; less drama, more fun; less churn, more promotions; less fear, more trust. Ultimately, a team culture that feels great to show up to every day!

  • We're a fit IF any of the following apply:
    • You believe your team could be doing so much better if everyone would just ______.
    • You’re concerned about the high employee turnover
    • The same few people (or no one) is contributing ideas during meetings
    • There is a growing us/them sentiment within or between departments
    • There is someone that everyone avoids talking to
    • There is something that everyone avoids talking about
    • There was as issue that you think was resolved, but you’re not actually sure
    • You believe that in order to grow and win in your market or industry your company will need to become more creative and resourceful

  • We're NOT a fit if:
    • Everyone can, and would rather,  just work alone
    • Management is not open to employee feedback and ideas
    • Everything is fine and you don’t want/need to grow
    • A lawsuit has been filed and the lawyers are already involved

  • How long will it take?

    This will certainly depend on the issue, and the level of motivation of those involved. However, I can say that clients often notice some shifts after a single session, and typically can spot lasting changes after 3-6 weeks. 

  • What if it doesn't work?

    Our Living Bridge mission is to normalize compassion and collaboration within capitalist work culture, and we’re confident that you’ll love the benefits of doing so too! However, if you and your team work with us and see no results, we’ll be happy to offer a 100% money back guarantee and will do our best to direct you to a solution that can create the results you’re looking for.

How to prepare for a conversation with

your enemy.

3 Crucial Steps that will Guarantee a Better Outcome

So, you're about to have a conversation with somebody that (you think) disagrees with you about something important. Or, maybe you've already had countless conversations with this person and it's never been good... well, that can really suck. I know, because I've been there too. Since then I have found and practiced a different way of communicating around disagreement that has completely changed my ability to open, be in, and close a tricky conversation in a way that not only is peaceful (and less scary), but actually deepens the relationship and trust I share with the other person.

If that sounds of interest to you, download the free PDF here:

Contact Us

Competitive beliefs to a harmonious future

The only way to enable cultural healing and a harmonious future is to have the whole conversation. 

That means every emotion and thought that comes up has a purpose and must, in some way, be acknowledged for the message it holds, and the human need it protects.

In our view, to disallow, devalue, or ignore any emotions or opinions, especially those that are counter to our own, creates and perpetuates cycles of violence in our society.

Resistance to change

Is like the stiffness in muscles after sitting for a long time, or an extended posture in yoga. It is the pain in these muscles that help us to move consciously into the new position, and avoid over-extending, straining or losing balance in the transition. 

This is the flow of our culture. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. Trying to force change always creates resistance, and resistance, especially when not allowed a voice, creates and continues dis-ease.

The Living Bridge Mentality

In order to fully embody the living bridge mentality, we must each find some way of being at peace with the process of collective movement toward a healthy and harmonious future. 

This is NOT advocating complacency, or saying the current situation is OK. It IS saying that acknowledging and supporting the process of change that we are all in requires awareness, patience, and persistence. 

Cultural change is a massive force, but we can reliably create a better future together by shifting with greater cultural consensus, while dampening the inevitable election cycle backlash as much as possible..

Discover Your Team's Potential 

Get ready to experience your next level of growth


 Living bridges have trees on both banks with roots that connect together

across difference and allow the safe passage across turbulent waters.


for the living bridge project

Curiosity & humility

Curiosity is the opposite of and the antidote to judgement. Humility is the opposite of hubris. By remaining curious and humble we help others feel comfortable being honest with us and we remain open and able to learn and improve our... Read more


Compassion is what connects us. Compassion is core to what makes us human. And compassion is most important and powerful in the moments it is hardest to find...

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No one has the ‘right’ answer, but we can all bring something valuable to the table. It is through the creative merging of all perspectives that the best-yet answers can be found. I.e... Read more

Courage and Resilience

Courage is NOT fearlessness. Courage is feeling the fear and doing it anyway. The most powerful form of courage is a friendship with fear.... Read more


Without a foundation, any bridge would be swept downstream in the next rainstorm. Integrity is the foundation of a Living Bridge...

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Safety and Stability

Safety is the foundation of creativity, generosity, collaboration, and the possibility for abundance!

Safety is perceptual. There is no definitive situation that is safe... Read more


If you wish to go fast, go alone, if you wish to go far, go together. -African Proverb.

In this globalized and interconnected world, we are mostly out of options to go anywhere alone... Read more

Is this resonating?

Read the entire Manifesto

Increase your companies growth

Collaboration means customization; let's build your solution together

Easy integration

Content that is directly relevant to your team, delivered in bite size and easily applicable pieces.

Flexible solutions

Most situations are best served through a combined strategy of our Analysis, Coaching, Seminar, and Mediation services (LINKS), and how and when we deliver these can remain responsive to the needs of your team, as they emerge.

Professional services

We take pride in delivering high calibre services, creating real world results. This is my life’s work and I'm here for the results. It’s an honour to have the opportunity to serve.

Lasting value, guaranteed results

We build bridges to a world of less conflict and more collaboration, a world in which your business can thrive for years to come.

 “Beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field, I will meet you there.” - Rumi


Bridge builders facilitate the connecting of roots. They move through and inhabit the turbulent waters, willing to be shunned by both sides. 

The field is fertile. This is a place where the tendrils of new ideas are not crushed by blind judgements. Ideas can germinate and grow together, and the most fruitful ideas will proliferate, creating abundance.

Gardeners in this field protect ALL fresh shoots. 

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Visitors to this field support the growth of the ideas that resonate for them, giving them energy with their attention.

The maturation of an idea is marked by the transition of it growing beyond the field and into the land of judgement. Can it serve society?

I believe that truly caring and effective leaders in business can change the world.

I help leaders and executives communicate and connect with Millennial and Gen Z employees to create a culture of easy creativity and collaboration that attracts and retains top talent and for a bigger business and a better world.

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